Dear Elliott Wave Gold Members,
This notice is to advise the membership that Terms of Service are changing. New terms may be found here.
The addition of regular technical analysis to support the Elliott wave analysis has necessitated an increase in time required to prepare it. This is primarily why weekly analysis of other markets has been infrequent for some time.
The first change is reduction of video to once a week minimum. The response to the survey showed a large majority of members accept this change.
Video will be once a week, more if required (if the wave count changes mid week or if I consider it necessary for any other reason). End of week video will be indepth. Daily analysis text will be thorough, charts will be annotated more. I will add once a week regular analysis of US Oil and Silver. I should be able to provide again analysis from time to time of other markets including GDX.
This first change will take effect next week as of Monday 14th Setember, 2015.
Those of you who have been members for a number of years may have noticed that I have not taken a holiday since the inception of both websites. In fact, I have not taken a holiday for six years now.
I have realised that it is necessary to give myself a break, in order to be able to continue to provide you all with the best analysis of which I am capable.
The best time for this to happen is over Christmas and New Year, while the markets are quiet and New York is closed of two and a half days.
I will take a two week holiday this year from Sunday 20th December, 2015, to Sunday 3rd of January, 2016. New York will be closed early on Wednesday 23rd December, for all of Thursday 24th December, and also Thursday 31st December. My break will mean that there will be 7.5 days of market movement which will not be analysed.
I intend to take a two week holiday every year in order for me to be able to continue this service long term
If any members have concerns or questions about these two changes please contact myself or Cesar, you may use the contact form on the website or email me or Cesar
I hope that you will all understand the need for my rest and balance of workload.
I thank you all so very much for your continued support and loyalty.
Lara, Thank you for recognizing and implementing this needed change to your service in order to handle and balance your work load. You have in the past two plus years continued to add improvements to your service and even extra analysis occasionally for other investments like Silver, GDX, and Oil.
You also added your Chartered Market Technician® (CMT) credential the global standard for practitioners of technical analysis and technical risk management. Your CMT training enables you to provide better forecasting. The detailed technical analysis charts are also extra. Also multiple alternate wave counts at times for extended periods.
Everyone has limits they can maintain and needed breaks away from it all so they can maintain a healthy balance and mindset. Despite ones best wishes we are likely to burn out under a constant heavy workload unless we stand back and re-balance, recharge, refresh and start anew with a healthy balance. I daily take a lot of super foods, teas, juices, superpowders and meditate along with occasionally take time off so I don’t burn out or go nuts.
Even with reduced videos your detailed analysis and charts are a bargain for your monthly fee. Lara you are the best Elliott Wave analyst and also have the highest integrity and honesty, which are all very rare qualities. You are appreciated by and an inspiration to investors. Thank you Lara. Best wishes as always.
That’s very kind. Thank you Richard.
I’ve been a member since the beginning of the year. While I’m not rich yet, your service has helped me be profitable in trading gold. I also should give a nod to your members who post. Most are very helpful. Anyway, just wanted to add my voice to those supporting the changes. I find the text much more helpful than the video. Maybe I’ll take a break over Christmas too!
Thank you very much for your support Paul.
And I too second the comment about members here, it’s so positive and helpful that so many are sharing insight, trading tips and wave counts on markets I don’t analyse.
We have some very experienced members here, I feel privileged to be a part of this small community.
Good plan Lara. You and Cesar deserve some vacation time. You both work very hard to support us all. Enjoy.
Thank you Dreamer for your support.
Hi Lara,
you could also take some holiday in July, the northern hemisphere Summer holiday as there is usually not much going on either.
You should at least take 4-6 weeks holiday / year.
Enjoy life
Cheers Ursula
That’s okay, I think I can manage with two weeks a year.
I have after all managed for six years with no break. I tried. But I don’t think you can really call it a “holiday” if you still work while you’re travelling
Hi Lara,
I agree with Ursula that you should take a break mid year as well. Fiji or Vanuatu is a great antidote to the southern winter.
Earlier this year when you were in Wanaka, I was heading south from Fox’s to Wanaka and ultimately Mt. Cook, in a campervan. (My second such holiday). It was hard enough getting internet access just to read your analysis and I remember thinking at the time it must be stressful for you to not only follow the market but also analyse and prepare a video on a daily basis.
I’ve always dreamed of going to surf warm water in our winter. Bali is my first pick, or maybe Tahiti.
I should be able to keep up with the analysis though.
Perfect Lara
Good decision….video once a week is ample….
Holiday vacations….take a month….or two weeks twice a year…you deserve it….
PLUS we will appreciate you more when you back from vacations….
Old saying… only appreciate what you have when its not there anymore.
Thank you Laurence.