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GOLD: Elliott Wave and Technical Analysis | Charts – July 2, 2021

by | Jul 2, 2021 | Gold

Upwards movement continues to end the week as both Elliott wave counts expected.

Summary: A multi-week to multi-month bounce may have begun. A target for resistance is at 1,814 or 1,853.

Grand SuperCycle analysis and last monthly charts are here.



Gold Elliott Wave Chart Weekly 2021
Click chart to enlarge.

This wave count sees the the bear market complete at the last major low for Gold on 3 December 2015.

If Gold is in a new bull market, then it should begin with a five wave structure upwards on the weekly chart.

Cycle wave I fits as a five wave impulse with reasonably proportionate corrections for primary waves 2 and 4.

Cycle wave II fits as a double flat. However, within the first flat correction labelled primary wave W, this wave count needs to ignore what looks like an obvious triangle from July to September 2016 (this can be seen labelled as a triangle on the second weekly chart on prior analysis here). This movement must be labelled as a series of overlapping first and second waves. Ignoring this triangle reduces the probability of this wave count in Elliott wave terms.

Cycle wave IV may be a complete triple zigzag. Triple zigzags are not rare structures, but they are not common. The probability of this wave count is further reduced in Elliott wave terms. This is one reason why an alternate is still considered.

Cycle wave V may have begun. Within cycle wave V: Primary wave 1 may be over at the last high, and primary wave 2 may not move beyond the start of primary wave 1 below 1,677.64.


Gold Elliott Wave Chart Daily 2021
Click chart to enlarge.

A target is calculated for cycle wave V. If this target is wrong for this wave count, then it may be too low. As price approaches the target, if the structure is incomplete, then a higher target may be calculated.

Primary wave 1 within cycle wave V may be complete.

Primary wave 2 may be an incomplete zigzag. Within primary wave 2: Intermediate wave (A) may be complete, and intermediate wave (B) may unfold over a few weeks. Thereafter, intermediate wave (C) may continue lower and should make a new low below the end of intermediate wave (A) to avoid a truncation. When the end of intermediate wave (B) and the start of intermediate wave (C) is known, then the Fibonacci ratio between intermediate waves (A) and (C) may be used to calculate a target for intermediate wave (C).

Draw an Elliott channel about intermediate wave (A). This channel is now breached by upwards movement, indicating intermediate wave (B) should have arrived.

Primary wave 2 may not move beyond the start of primary wave 1 below 1,677.64.


Gold Elliott Wave Chart Hourly 2021
Click chart to enlarge.

Intermediate wave (B) may subdivide as any one of more than 23 possible corrective structures. By a wide margin the most common Elliott wave corrective structure is a zigzag, so that shall be how intermediate wave (B) is labelled at the start. As it continues, alternate Elliott wave counts may be required to consider other Elliott wave structures.

If intermediate wave (B) subdivides as a zigzag, then within it minor wave A must subdivide as a five wave motive structure, most likely an impulse.

If minor wave A is subdividing as an impulse, then within it minute waves i and ii may be complete. Minute wave iii may only subdivide as an impulse, and within it minuette waves (i) through to (iv) may be complete. If it continues lower, then minuette wave (iv) may not move into minuette wave (i) price territory below 1,772.81.

Draw an acceleration channel about minor wave A. Draw the first trend line from the end of minute wave i to the last high, then place a parallel copy on the end of minute wave ii. Keep redrawing the channel as price continues higher. When minute wave iii may be complete, then this channel would be drawn using Elliott’s first technique. It may then be used to indicate an end to minor wave A when the channel is breached by downwards movement. 

While minor wave A continues, then the channel may indicate where price may find support and resistance.



Gold Elliott Wave Chart Weekly 2021
Click chart to enlarge.

The bigger picture for this alternate Elliott wave count sees Gold as within a bear market, in a three steps back pattern that is labelled Grand Super Cycle wave IV on monthly charts. Grand Super Cycle wave IV may be subdividing as an expanded flat pattern.

Super Cycle wave (b) within Grand Super Cycle wave IV may be a complete double zigzag. This wave count expects Super Cycle wave (c) to move price below the end of Super Cycle wave (a) at 1,046.27 to avoid a truncation and a very rare running flat. The target calculated expects a common Fibonacci ratio for Super Cycle wave (c).

Super Cycle wave (c) may have begun with a leading expanding diagonal for cycle wave I. Leading expanding diagonals in first wave positions are uncommon, so the probability of this wave count is reduced. However, it has a good fit and must be considered.

Second wave corrections to follow leading diagonals in first wave positions are usually very deep. Cycle wave II is deep and the structure may be complete; so far it is following a common pattern. If it continues higher, then cycle wave II may not move beyond the start of cycle wave I above 2,070.78.


Gold Elliott Wave Chart Daily 2021
Click chart to enlarge.

A target is calculated for cycle wave III.

Primary wave 1 within cycle wave III may be complete.

Draw an Elliott channel about primary wave 1. The channel is now breached providing some confidence that primary wave 1 should be over and primary wave 2 may now be underway.

Primary wave 2 may last weeks to months. Targets for resistance are the 0.382 Fibonacci ratio at 1,814.54 and the 0.618 Fibonacci ratio at 1,853.07.

Primary wave 2 may not move beyond the start of primary wave 1 above 1,915.42.


Gold Elliott Wave Chart Daily 2021
Click chart to enlarge.

Primary wave 2 may unfold as any Elliott wave corrective structure except a triangle. The most common corrective structure by a wide margin is a zigzag. Primary wave 2 will be labelled as a possible zigzag, but alternate wave counts for alternate structures may be required in coming weeks.

If primary wave 2 subdivides as a zigzag, then intermediate wave (A) must subdivide as a five wave motive structure, most likely an impulse.

If intermediate wave (A) subdivides as an impulse, then within it minor waves 1 and 2 may be complete. Minor wave 3 may only subdivide as an impulse. Minute waves i through to iv within minor wave 3 may be complete. If minute wave iv continues any lower, then it may not move into minute wave i price territory below 1,772.81.

Draw an acceleration channel about intermediate wave (A). Draw the first trend line from the end of minor wave 1 to the last high, then. place a parallel copy on the end of minor wave 2. As price continues higher keep redrawing the channel. When minor wave 3 may be complete, then this channel would be drawn using Elliott’s first technique. It may then be used to indicate an end to intermediate wave (A) when the channel is breached by downwards movement. 

While intermediate wave (A) continues, then the channel may indicate where price may find support and resistance.



Gold Weekly 2021
Click chart to enlarge. Chart courtesy of

A little support for upwards movement from volume this week suggests more upwards movement next week.


Gold Daily 2021
Click chart to enlarge. Chart courtesy of

Price has bounced up off support about 1,750.

After the prior downwards trend reached extreme and RSI exhibited bullish divergence, some upwards or sideways movement may continue here to relieve extreme conditions. Look for resistance as identified on the chart; if Stochastics reaches overbought when price reaches resistance, then expect an upwards swing may complete there or shortly after.


GDX Weekly 2020
Click chart to enlarge. Chart courtesy of

A long legged doji this week may be a pause within an ongoing downwards trend, or it may be part of a bullish reversal. The next weekly candlestick will determine if a reversal pattern is forming here.


GDX Daily 2021
Click chart to enlarge. Chart courtesy of

After the downwards trend reached extreme and RSI reached oversold then exhibited bullish divergence, a bounce or consolidation may now continue to relieve extreme conditions. Look for price to continue higher now towards next resistance; if it reaches resistance and Stochastics reaches overbought, then an upwards swing may end there or shortly after.

Published @ 06:55 p.m. ET.

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1. Always trade with stops.

2. Risk only 1-5% of equity on any one trade.

New updates to this analysis are in bold.

