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SILVER Elliott Wave Technical Analysis – 26th October, 2017

Price has moved lower for the week as a pullback continues. The Elliott wave counts now diverge. Summary: Silver is in a large consolidation and the situation is very unclear. Volume suggests an upwards breakout may be more likely, which favours the first Elliott wave...

SILVER Elliott Wave Technical Analysis – 12th October, 2017

Last analysis expected a little more downwards movement to either 16.347 or possibly as low as 15.799 – 15.649. The low came one day after last analysis was published at 16.311, just 0.038 below the first target. Summary: Look out for a pullback here or very...

SILVER Elliott Wave Technical Analysis – 28th September, 2017

Price has continued lower during the week as was expected from the last Elliott wave analysis. On Balance Volume continues to be a reasonably reliable indicator. Summary: Downwards movement has support from classic technical analysis. The target is at either 16.347 or...

SILVER Elliott Wave Technical Analysis – 9th August, 2017

A pullback continued as expected from last analysis. Summary: In the short term, look out for a little more upwards movement. After that look out for a downwards swing to about 15.830. New updates to this analysis are in bold. Last monthly chart is here. ELLIOTT WAVE...